Irritant Contact Dermatitis Treatment

Irritant dermatitis are caused by the direct contact of a caustic or irritating chemical the skin, which leads to immediate redness and burning on the skin, and a breakdown of the skin barrier. Irritant contact dermatitis happens to a lot of people in Portland. Water is one of the most common irritants and is seen in a common condition called dishpan hands. Frequent hand washing and wetting and drying of the skin will dry out the skin and disrupt the normal skin barrier. In addition, corrosive agents found in soaps, cleansers and solvents can destroy skin cells leading to inflammation, redness and scaling. Irritant reactions are the most common type of eczema in Portland. A genetic predisposition is not necessary to develop this type of reaction and it is the most common cause of work related rashes. There is no specific test available to diagnosis irritant dermatitis.
You can learn more about irritant contact dermatitis treatment at American Academy of Dermatology.