Show Off Confidence: Clear Up Your Acne!

Are you bothered by how you look because of that spotty acne on your face? Acne treatment in Portland OR can solve this problem at Norris Dermatology and Laser Northwest. An acne laden face can lower your self-confidence. It can be left untreated but it will leave scarring and this will worsen the appearance of your face. Now is the best time to clear up that acne and gain a more positive outlook in your life.
Commonly, those with acne see themselves as ugly. The famous celebrity Salma Hayek once had a bad experience with acne problems. She was claimed as an ugly duckling during her teenage years. Acne can make us feel down. It is an unwelcome appearance to our faces. We do not want to face people out because of self-consciousness.
Acne usually affects teenagers and those in their 20’s because of the hormonal changes during this time. This can also occur when our skin follicles are clogged up with dead skin cells and oils. These tips are ideal for prevention against acne and are helpful tips for those who are undergoing an acne treatment plan:
- Wash Your Face – at least 2 times per day to remove excess oils
- Eat Healthy Foods – avoid oily and spicy foods
- Exercise Daily – it can lower stress and build the immune system
- Stay Hydrated – to self-moisturize your skin and cleanse the skin
- Keep Away from Direct Sunlight – to prevent the skin from getting dry
- Consult a Certified Dermatologist
Your acne treatment will depend upon on how persistent and severe your acne is. There are assortments of available over the counter products called topical medicines that anyone can buy at their own convenience. But it is still best to consult your dermatologist so that your acne level will be properly determined and the right corresponding product will be prescribed. Acne treatments at the clinic of Dr. Norris are individualized and that is what makes us unique in our service. Get rid of that acne now and face a better future!
Call us now at (503) 227-7117 to learn more about and schedule your acne treatment